Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)

The Promise of Christmas: God with Us
At Christmas I feel an ache that I can hardly put into words. My heart is longing to experience, and not just know intellectually, the truth of God with us.

A Christian Perspective On Depression
Depression almost withers joy. Those who suffer with it often endure silently, feeling shame and condemnation. Given that, how should Christians approach it?

Is Gratitude Important at Thanksgiving?
Why should we care about gratitude? Does it even make a difference if we are grateful or not? What should we do if we find nothing to be grateful for?

What are you Thankful For?
As I consider what I am thankful for, adversity is not on the list. But looking at the life of Solomon, adversity may have been the one blessing he needed.

You Are Not Missing Out
One of Satan's lies is: “You are missing out. Your life could be better.” Satan told Eve that lie in the garden & he has been whispering it to us since then.

When God writes your story in a way you didn’t like….
When each day feels like an insurmountable struggle, and the present is all-consuming, it’s hard to imagine anything good can come out of my story.

Will God Really Provide What I Need?
While I know God will provide all I need, sometimes I slip into doubt & fear. How can I be sure when the present looks bleak and the future seems uncertain?

Anger is Contagious
Whenever I get angry, everyone else does too. But when I respond graciously, things get better. When will I learn that anger is contagious but so is grace?

What it Means to Be Held
After losing our precious baby Paul, God tenderly cared for me. He taught me what it meant to be loved and held by him when my world was falling apart.

Shattered Dreams and Shaken Faith
Sometimes my faith shakes when my dreams are shattered. Since I cannot sense God's presence, I wonder where he is. I feel alone & afraid as my faith wavers.

Perfecting Parenting
I used to feel my children were walking billboards, advertising my worth as a parent & person. But then I learned that God was using parenting to perfect me.
Joni: After 50 Years of Quadriplegia, God’s Grace is Still Enough
After 50 years of quadriplegia, Joni Eareckson Tada is even more aware of God's grace. I am in awe, not of Joni, but of the amazing God she joyfully serves.

But I Begged God…
Why doesn't God fix my problem when I'm begging him? I have asked that question numerous times as I've felt abandoned by God after begging for his help.

Is There Anything I Can Depend On?
In this crazy world of loss and brokenness, what can I count on? Is there anything I can trust will always be there? Is anything unchangeable?

The Numbers Trap
Why do I care about numbers? Is my worth determined by "favorites," "followers" and "friends"? Or does my worth come from God alone?

Everyone Worships Something
David Foster Wallace said that "in the trenches of adult life there is no such thing as atheism. Everybody worships." What are you worshipping?

Why Should I Forgive?
Forgiving is hard; it often feels like death. And it feels terribly unfair. Yet extending forgiveness has been one of the most life-giving things I have ever done.

Facing Failure
What do you do with your failure? Do you deny it, rationalize it, hide it or let it bury you? Or do you dare to believe that God can use it?

How to Pray When Life Falls Apart
In the midst of broken dreams and riveting pain, how should we pray? Do we pray for healing and deliverance or should we just relinquish our desires to God?

What Good Is God?
Are you tired of waiting? Have you wondered what the point of faith is anyway? What good is God if your prayers aren’t being answered the way that you want?