Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)

When Disaster Comes: The Lingering Ripples of Pain
Surviving a crisis isn’t just making it through the first day of disaster. There are long and lingering ripples of pain.

Suffering and Serving in the Shadows
What if the people who suffer and serve in the shadows are having the greatest eternal impact?

How Can Being Mindful Help Us in Suffering?
Being mindful in suffering, fully present to the current moment, makes me aware of God’s presence and his endless grace.

Five Things Not to Say to Suffering Friends- and Five Things to Say
Do you ever wonder what to say to your suffering friends? Here’s what I’ve learned.

Have You Ever Felt Desperate for Hope
When we are desperate for hope, we see the power of God in a way that we never could otherwise.

The Gospel in Leviticus
This year I was amazed by how much Leviticus helped me understand the gospel.

What Would You Name Yourself?
What we name ourselves, what we are telling ourselves in the midst of our pain, will profoundly impact us.

How Could ALS be Called a Gift?
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints -Ps 116:15. While we on earth are grieving, heaven is rejoicing that Jeanne is home.

What Brings You Joy?
Joy isn’t a personality trait— it’s available to all of us who love Christ, for our joy is in him and comes from him

Small but Helpful Ways to Encourage Struggling Friends
It’s never too late to start…don’t let guilt over what you haven’t done stop you.

When Life Feels Crushing
If you are feeling crushed today, be assured that your suffering is not meaningless and that one day you will see all the beauty that God has wrought through it.

A Remarkable Life
This life of suffering is one of breathtaking beauty. It is so well spent, so pleasing to God, as all of heaven undoubtedly will attest to.

How to Live When You Know You’re Dying
This letter, written by a woman who was dying, has taught me how to live….

Will We Live Out All our Days?
We need not live in fear that our actions or the actions of others will prematurely cut short our lives.

The Fruit of the Wilderness
Keep leaning into God. He is working in your wilderness to ground your faith and bear fruit that will nourish those around you.

How Can the Wilderness be a Gift?
If you are in the wilderness today, don’t despair. God has brought you to this difficult place for your good - to teach you and draw you to himself.

One Word that’s Changing me in 2019
Every January, I choose a word to symbolize what I want to focus on for the coming year. This year God has already been using it to remake me.

What Makes Christmas Special for You?
As I make the last little lamb look at Jesus in my nativity, I am overwhelmed. Do I look at Jesus that way? Is Christ the center of Christmas for me?

Rejoice: Return to the Source of your Joy
How can we possibly rejoice when we are suffering? Isn’t rejoicing reserved for when good things happen?