Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)

Why Was I So Blind?
We cannot keep silent about racism - perhaps God has called us for such a time as this…

Why are we so Afraid to Die?
Few of us can honestly say we are unafraid of death. So what do we need to remember when we are facing it?

Will God Fulfill His Purpose for Us?
In our uncertain world, God bids us to focus on the truths we know and not obsess about what we don't know.

What the Hurting Need at the Holidays
Having someone simply acknowledge your grief can be a gift itself. Here are 5 suggestions on how to help your hurting friends at Christmas.

Will You Walk Away?
All our hearts are prone to wander, prone to leave the God we love. Given that, what should we be doing to ensure we finish well?

The Fruit of the Wilderness
Keep leaning into God. He is working in your wilderness to ground your faith and bear fruit that will nourish those around you.

The Despair of the Wilderness
If you are in the wilderness right now, don’t give up. God isn’t done with you. He may just be preparing you for a time of unprecedented fruitfulness.

How Can the Wilderness be a Gift?
If you are in the wilderness today, don’t despair. God has brought you to this difficult place for your good - to teach you and draw you to himself.

Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart
We all want to say the perfect thing to grieving people, but we don’t know what would help. Here are ways to support friends who are facing loss.

How Can I Explain the Gospel?
I’m often intimidated about sharing the gospel, but I recently heard a simple analogy that has helped me explain it more effectively.

When You Feel Like a Burden..
What should we do when we need help and feel like a burden to those we love? Or how should we respond when we are exhausted caring for others?

The Beauty of the Dandelion
The dandelion is beautiful at life’s end, soon to be carried by the wind. Like suffering saints, God carries their witness farther than they know.

One Word that’s Changing me in 2019
Every January, I choose a word to symbolize what I want to focus on for the coming year. This year God has already been using it to remake me.

What Makes Christmas Special for You?
As I make the last little lamb look at Jesus in my nativity, I am overwhelmed. Do I look at Jesus that way? Is Christ the center of Christmas for me?

Rejoice: Return to the Source of your Joy
How can we possibly rejoice when we are suffering? Isn’t rejoicing reserved for when good things happen?

The Fear in Uncertainty
Let your faith be bigger than your fear. I love that saying, but when I am honest, the uncertainty of the future can sometimes overshadow my faith.

How can we Find Joy when we’ve Lost Everything?
How do you have joy when life is in shambles? How can anyone look past the raging storm when they are in it? How does anyone rejoice when life is falling apart?

How Do We Trust God When We are Struggling with Our Children?
When we struggle with our children, we often blame ourselves, wondering what we've done wrong. But we need to look at Scripture, remembering God is still working.

What True Comfort Looks Like: It Doesn’t Whitewash Pain
Why do we offer whitewashed comfort that minimizes pain when we all need true comfort- that will hold us up no matter the outcome? Where can we find that?