Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)

Giving Thanks in the Struggle
The struggles I begged God to remove have changed me - they’ve brought me closer to Him

Is God Withholding Good from Me?
God’s good things, actually his very best things, are whatever bring us closest to Jesus.

The Gift of Joy in the Rockiest Places
Sometimes joy grows deepest in barren places, in rocky soil that I never would choose for myself

Do You Struggle with God’s Timing?
Have you ever wondered why God's timing often feels so frustratingly different from your own?

Suffering and the Upside-down Kingdom
Have you ever considered that leaning on Jesus, trusting him in suffering, is a way to serve the kingdom of God?

The Waiting and Desolation of Holy Saturday
When you’ve found God faithful through the worst, Christ’s love will be as firmly nailed to your identity as his body was nailed to the cross.

A Word for Everyone Who Feels Laid Aside
I’m so thankful that fruitfulness is not tied to usefulness. It happens when we abide in Christ.

The Staggering Dependence of the Incarnation
This Christmas, if you feel weak or dependent or that somehow your life isn’t where you want it to be, press into God with those longings

Wrestling with Fear of the Unknown
When I’m overwhelmed, I keep praying, “I don’t know what to do but my eyes are on you.”

The Power of Vulnerability: Finding Hope through Shared Struggles
When I felt desperate, I wanted someone to tell it to me real, to be honest and vulnerable, and not to hyper-spiritualize everything.

How Questions Can Strengthen Our Faith
The way to go from despair to hope is by facing our questions, doubts, and disappointments and looking for God in the midst of them.

Waiting with No Answers in the Dark
Today you may feel hopeless as you wait, but light is coming and it will obliterate the darkness.

Advent: The Hard Season of Waiting
Advent is the season of waiting. Trust that your waiting has purpose, and that God is working for your good through it.

Thanking People for Their Help
Figuring out how to thank someone can feel overwhelming. Here’s a template to make it easier!

Kintsugi: Beauty in the Broken
I love the philosophy behind kintsugi. Repairing what’s damaged, embracing our imperfections, finding beauty in the broken.

Do you feel safe enough with God to be honest?
At the core of lament is trust. The Lord wants to walk with us through our grief, so go to him with your unedited emotions.

Did My Sacrifice Even Matter?
One day you’ll see that your sacrifice was not in vain, that God used it in magnificent ways, for there is no waste in God’s economy.

Finding Hope When Trauma Changes Us
God can reach through the darkness of our depression and past trauma and pull us from the pit.

Even Though Today Looks Bleak, Don’t Lose Hope
When we are more focused on what we might lose tomorrow than on celebrating what we have today, we lose any chance of joy.