Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)

Five Things Not to Say to Suffering Friends- and Five Things to Say
Do you ever wonder what to say to your suffering friends? Here’s what I’ve learned.

The Power of Vulnerability: Finding Hope through Shared Struggles
When I felt desperate, I wanted someone to tell it to me real, to be honest and vulnerable, and not to hyper-spiritualize everything.

Have You Ever Felt Desperate for Hope
When we are desperate for hope, we see the power of God in a way that we never could otherwise.

How Questions Can Strengthen Our Faith
The way to go from despair to hope is by facing our questions, doubts, and disappointments and looking for God in the midst of them.

Waiting with No Answers in the Dark
Today you may feel hopeless as you wait, but light is coming and it will obliterate the darkness.

The Gospel in Leviticus
This year I was amazed by how much Leviticus helped me understand the gospel.

What Does #Blessed Really Mean?
It's easy to see blessings as having our dreams come true but could the real blessing be finding God faithful in our nightmares?

How can I love others in 2023
My words for 2023 are love well. My love is often self-focused, loving those who love me. But God is calling me to much more than that…

Advent: The Hard Season of Waiting
Advent is the season of waiting. Trust that your waiting has purpose, and that God is working for your good through it.

Giving Thanks in the Hard
When I look through the lens of faith, I see God’s faithfulness and provision even in the barren wilderness.

Thanking People for Their Help
Figuring out how to thank someone can feel overwhelming. Here’s a template to make it easier!

Why Would I Tell Someone They’ve Hurt Me?
I usually don’t tell people when they’ve hurt me. I bury my feelings and move on, but I’m realizing there’s a better way…

Do You Need Wisdom?
Do you need wisdom? Have you asked God for it? I’m not asking to show you how prayerful I am but rather to remind myself. I keep forgetting.

What Would You Name Yourself?
What we name ourselves, what we are telling ourselves in the midst of our pain, will profoundly impact us.

How Could ALS be Called a Gift?
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints -Ps 116:15. While we on earth are grieving, heaven is rejoicing that Jeanne is home.

Kintsugi: Beauty in the Broken
I love the philosophy behind kintsugi. Repairing what’s damaged, embracing our imperfections, finding beauty in the broken.

Chronic Pain Touches More Than Your Body
Amidst chronic pain and illness, God is ever faithful -- He goes with us through the dark valleys and the raging storms and to the ends of the earth.

What Are You Asking God For?
The fear of unanswered prayers and unwanted “no’s” keep us from turning to God with specific requests. So what are you asking God for?