Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)
When Disappointment Comes…
I received disappointing news the other day. My first reaction was self-pity and frustration, but then I was reminded that nothing will happen that is not for my good and God’s glory.
Job and the Prosperity Gospel
Job has taught me about the value of God and the dangers of the prosperity gospel. At the heart of the PG is our value. At the heart of Job, and all of Scripture, is God’s value.
Can Heaven Outweigh our Suffering
When I remember that God’s blood-bought promise for those who trust in the Gospel is that they will live happily ever after in heaven, my perspective changes.
What’s the Point of Silence?
I used to see silence as empty unproductive time, but I have found that sitting alone with Jesus has been the single most transformative thing I have done to grow spiritually.
Sunshine after the Rain
I married an amazing man two weeks ago who is teaching me to dance in the sunshine. While I love this phase of life, I know that learning to dance in the rain is an equally precious blessing.
How Can Unfulfilled Longings be a Blessing?
I have many unfulfilled longings—things in my life I wish were different. I have begged God to change them, but the relentless ache that remains does the deepest work in my soul.
Hidden Treasures in Dark places
Why did Jesus not go to Lazarus when he was sick? And why does He not rescue me when I need Him the most? Does He not care? How could waiting have been loving?
How in the World Do I Savor Life?
I am learning to savor my life, my days, my moments, and appreciate all the Lord has given me. God wants me to delight in Him and slow down enough to enjoy His presence as well as His gifts.
When There’s Too Much to Do
Every year I choose a word to symbolize the year. This year I chose savor as I see how rushed I have been, always feeling there is too much to do, never enjoying the present moment.
Mary Did You Know?
At the cross, Mary may have wondered, “What happened to the promises of God? How could they end this way?” And yet the pain she endured was for a plan greater than her wildest dreams.
Now I can’t hide
An unknown work by Van Gogh was hidden in an attic after being called a fake because the owner was embarrassed. I’ve never wanted to write publicly for the same reason, but God is stretching me.
Thanksgiving with a Twist
This Thanksgiving story reminds me that the things I’m most grateful for are often borne from the thorns in my life, that have made me more dependent on Jesus.
Where Is God when I’m NOT Suffering?
We can see God more clearly in the dark since our attention is riveted on His life-giving light, but we can still grow close to the Lord in times of prosperity if I remember this principle.
What’s the Point of Suffering in Obscurity?
I am tempted to think that my response to private suffering doesn’t matter. But my response to suffering always matters; an unseen watching world is always looking on from the heavenlies.
Celebrating Joni’s 65th Birthday-A Radiant Life in a Dark World
Joni demonstrates what God can do in a life yielded to Him as she points to a magnificent God who is beyond compare, who can elicit genuine praise in the midst of deep suffering.
Upside Down Success
Shaun Groves says of downward mobility: “From more to less. Served to service. From honor to degradation. From eternal to time-bound. God to flesh. Heaven to earth.” So what is success?
Why is God Whispering?
It’s easy to hear God’s voice when I’m suffering. But on ordinary days, I need to be listening attentively for His voice so that I can hear Him whisper to me.
I’d Rather Take Care of it Myself
I don’t like being dependent on others to meet my needs. I’d rather do it myself. And yet this forced reliance on God has proven to be an incalculable blessing.
Trust God. Tell Your Story.
I was shocked when my talk resonated with a group of high school boys. It reminded me that I need to trust God and tell my story because the most unlikely people need to hear it.
Begging God
I have begged God so many times for deliverance and was denied. But I found that it was in the denial of those very things that I had begged for, that brought me closest to Him.