Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)
Nothing is Beyond Redemption
I pull into the driveway, and I’m undone at seeing my camellia bush. This resurrected shrub has weathered many storms and has taught that God is always working, especially when I can’t see it.
What’s the Point of Silence?
I used to see silence as empty unproductive time, but I have found that sitting alone with Jesus has been the single most transformative thing I have done to grow spiritually.
Why is God Whispering?
It’s easy to hear God’s voice when I’m suffering. But on ordinary days, I need to be listening attentively for His voice so that I can hear Him whisper to me.