Dance in the Rain
Welcome to My Journal
My life has often felt like a raging storm. A hurricane without an end. And yet God has given me joy in the midst of it. And through the raging storms and the intermittent drizzle, I’m learning to dance in the rain. (Figuratively, of course.)
Whose Kingdom is this Anyway?
I have always been far too preoccupied with my own glory. I don’t like saying that because it sounds terrible. And embarrassing. And deeply sinful..
When Disappointment Comes…
I received disappointing news the other day. My first reaction was self-pity and frustration, but then I was reminded that nothing will happen that is not for my good and God’s glory.
Easter is Coming
On Palm Sunday I felt guilty that I had not taken much time to reflect on Easter. But then I realized Easter is not about my effort but about God’s unequivocal triumph.